Elastic Search Basics
28 Oct 2019 | ElasticSearchThis is the key notes when I was exploring Elastic Search.
This is the key notes when I was exploring Elastic Search.
My Haskell guide: Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! It is a pretty fun guide leading freshmen into the Haskell world:)
I’ve made a sharing in combination of this chaptor and the first 2 chapters in book
For a typical risk evaluation service system, it always depends on several remote services to enrich user or transaction data in order to get a full picture of risk evaluation data. Here’s a scenery that how our service works:
When an evaluation request comes:
In this case, we get a DAG graph of execution: request -> A –> B –> C –> D
In this notes, I’ll instroduce several Window experiments in Flink, then show my POC sample code on how to solve an two stream join with a dense input and a sparse one. The following experiments are based on SocketWordCount job, with text as input stream.
Created to simplify the programming model for applications accessing a database. ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability.<\br> BASE: Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency.
In general: something cannot be broken down into smaller parts. Multi-threaded programming: the system can only be in the state it was before the operation or after the operation, not something in between.
This is the beginnign of Part 2, and will start to talk about distributed data storage.</br>
Why we need distributed database?</br> Scalability, fault tolerance / high availability, latency.
Language specified formats such as Java’s Serializable get lots of defects in encoding and decoding.
- Not compatible with different languages
- Arbitrary classes cause security problems
- Inconvenience of versioning data
- Efficiency
最近刚好在通过Sonar审视自己项目的代码,解决了一些比较明显的Vulnerabilities之后,发现项目中有许多subclass都出现了因为@Inject一些组件,以及初始化,注册变量等导致Sonar报出大量Duplicate code smell。虽然可以通过设置Sonar rule来绕过这些可能不必要的警告,但是我决定先看看有没有更优雅的方案。